Thursday, July 19, 2007

Michael Vick Indictment

I am horrified and disgusted by the charges of animal cruelty and torture alleged in the Michael Vick indictment. While Vick has not yet been tried, certainly there is substantial evidence of depraved and inhumane acts. It is shameful that he has not been suspended pending trial.

Here are excerpts from an Associated Press article reporting on the indictment:

John Goodwin of the Humane Society said the manner in which losing or unwilling dogs were killed was especially troubling.

"Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I'm a person who faces this stuff every day," he said. "I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution — they're unnecessary and just sick."

Vick and the others are accused of "knowingly sponsoring and exhibiting an animal fighting venture" and conducting a business enterprise involving gambling, as well as buying, transporting and receiving dogs for the purposes of an animal fighting venture.

About eight young dogs were put to death at the Surry County home after they were found not ready to fight in April 2007, the indictment said. They were killed "by hanging, drowning and/or slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

The indictment also outlined a rough chronology:

  • In March 2003, after a pit bull from Bad Newz Kennels lost in a fight, it said Peace consulted with Vick about the losing dog's condition, then executed it by wetting it with water and electrocuting it;
  • In March 2003, after two Bad Newz Kennels dog lost fights to dogs owned by a cooperating witness, it alleged that Vick retrieved a bag containing $23,000 and gave it to the owner of the winning dogs. One of the fights had a $20,000 purse;
  • In the fall of 2003, a person witnessing a dog fight involving one of the dogs trained by Bad Newz Kennels incurred the ire of another cooperating witness by yelling out Vick's name in front of the crowd during the fight.

  • Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    British Open

    Can Tiger Woods win three consecutive British Open championships?
    clipped from
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    Sunday, July 15, 2007

    BelleFair Bulletin Board

    The best part of the BelleFair HOA website is the bulletin board, which is run on public domain software distributed by phpbb. Version 3.0 of the phpbb software was issued as Release Candidate 1 (RC1) in May 2007. It is now in RC3 and quite stable. Highly recommended.